Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/111

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"Wha' dat? You dodge 'em? Now you talk foolish. Guess you nebber fit a battle yet. We-all am vet'rans. We-all belong to the Fo'th Infantry. We-all fit under Gin'ral Taylor. The Fo'th Infantry done licked dem Mexicans out o' Texas an' clyar into Mexico till dar warn't any more to lick; den Gin'ral Scott, he said: 'I got to have dat Fo'th Infantry to whup Santy Annie an' capture the City ob Mexico.' If you gwine to jine the Fo'th Infantry, boy, you meet up with a heap o' trouble. We don't dodge cannon balls. We hain't time. We jest let 'em zoop an' we keep a-goin'."

"All those cannon balls don't hit somebody," said Jerry.

"Um-m-m. How you know? You talk laike you'd been sojerin'. Where you hide yo'self, after you leave Very Cruz? 'Way back on the beach?"

"No. I've been in the naval battery."

"Wha' dat?" Pompey's eyes stuck out. "Out dar, with dose big guns? You lie, boy. How you get dar?"

"I tumbled into it, last night."

"Befo' the shootin'?"

"Yes; but I went back this morning. I stayed as long as they'd let me. Then a big shell burst right inside and an officer made me get out."

"Sho'!" Pompey exclaimed. "You been under fiah? 'Pears laike you don't talk more'n Lieutenant Grant. He's the least talkin'est man I ebber did see. He shuah don't take any back seat in fightin', though. Um-m-m, no indeedy! Dar at Monterey he rode so fast Mexican bullets couldn't ketch him. Powerful man on a hoss, dat Lieutenant Grant.