Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/152

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time turned, early in the day to-morrow—probably before ten o'clock A.M.," said the first paragraph of these General Orders No. 111.

"Hi golly!" Pompey chuckled. "We gwine to slam him in the face an' in the back, same time. Dat's proper."

"The Second Division of Regulars is already advanced within easy turning distance toward the enemy's left. That division has instructions to move forward before daylight to-morrow, and take up position across the National Road in the enemy's rear, so as to cut off a retreat toward Jalapa."

"We got dose Mexicans retreatin' already," chuckled Pompey, while Jerry listened with all his ears.

The Second Division was to be reinforced by General Shields' brigade of Volunteers.

"The First Division of Regulars will follow the movement against the enemy's left at sunrise to-morrow morning."

"Hi! Dat's us," Pompey announced. "We gwine to be dar fo' the leavin's."

General Pillow's brigade of Volunteers was to attack from the front, or the river side, as soon as he heard the sounds of battle in the north.

"The enemy's batteries being carried or abandoned, all our divisions and corps will pursue with vigor. The pursuit may be continued many miles, until stopped by darkness or fortified positions, toward Jalapa. Consequently, the body of the army will not return to this encampment, but be followed to-morrow afternoon or early the next morning, by the baggage trains of the several corps."