Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/155

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Lee and Lieutenant Hagner of the Ordnance, through the brush and over the rocks and tree trunks, and up the hill. The men were divided into two detachments. One detachment rested while the other detachment hauled and shoved; then the working detachment blocked the wheels and lay panting while the first detachment buckled to. It was not until three o'clock in the morning, that amidst the darkness and the rain the three guns were placed in position to open fire upon Telegraph Hill.

Down in the camp at Plan del Rio reveille was sounded before daylight. Breakfast was eaten in the pink of dawn. And listen! The day's battle had commenced! Cannon were bellowing from the Second Division's hill—sending grape and solid shot into the Mexican entrenchments upon Telegraph Hill. The Mexicans were replying.

Huzzah! The long roll sounded, signaling to the men to be alert.

"Fall in! Fall in!" the sergeants shouted; and the assembly was not needed. Company B was ready in a jiffy, the men with muskets in hand, their cartridge boxes and bayonet scabbards in place, their knapsacks and their haversacks with two days' rations hanging from their shoulders. They formed a single rank facing to the right.

"Front face!"

They faced together, in company front.

"In three ranks, form company! By the left flank! Left face! March!" barked First Sergeant Mulligan.

That done, Company B was three men (or files)