Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/230

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"But the men and horses dragged at the guns and took their medicine. The Mounted Rifles afoot were sent forward to clean out the Mexican skirmishers, and that they did. 'Twas not the sharp rocks and the holes alone, but the cactus was something scandalous, and down in front of the hill there were ditches and corn patches, fine for skirmish work. Never mind, the Rifles kept at it. Sure, boys, if Magruder and Callender didn't get their guns to within nine hundred yards, and there they planted 'em, and opened up.

"Persifor Smith's First Brigade of the Second Division formed our left o' line; that new general, Pierce, marched into right of line with his Second Brigade of Pillow's Third Division, being the Ninth, Twelfth and Fifteenth Infantry; the other new general, Cadwalader, moved in to support with his First Brigade, the Voltigeurs and the 'Leventh and Fourteenth regiments; old Bennet Riley with the Second and Seventh Regulars and the Fourth Artillery of the Twiggs' Second Brigade was sent around by our right flank to take the Mexicans in reverse and occupy a village north'ard on their left rear.

"There was a ravine in front of the line, and all cleared of brush, with the Mexicans up the opposite slope entrenched, their lancers and infantry covering their flanks and a road leading north for the City of Mexico. 'Tis the road which connects by a crossroad with this road of ourn, at Cherrybusco. Our infantry stood no show of storming the hill from in front—not across that ravine; and for two hours the batteries had a fearful time with twenty guns pound-