Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/233

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  • sion in front of Valencia. To make a proper diversion

there and support Smith and mebbe hold off Santy Annie he'll need help. I'll go you a month's pay we'll be called on before daylight."

"Faith, if we're in for a fight, I mane to sleep," Sergeant Mulligan growled.

The group broke up. Jerry crept back to bed. He scarcely had dropped off into an uneasy sleep himself when the galloping hoofs of a horse aroused him—just as if he had been expecting the very thing.

The horse passed the barn in a hurry; bound for Colonel Garland's headquarters, perhaps. Orders! In five minutes the sentry on post outside the barn challenged again:

"Who comes there?"

A voice answered shortly. Then the door opened, and the same voice—that of Adjutant Nichols—shouted:

"Men! Men! Wake up, all hands! First sergeants, parade your companies and call the rolls immediately. The officers will then take command."