Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/297

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The First Division spent the night at the King's Mill. The Cadwalader brigade joined its comrade brigade of the Third Division, and General Pillow moved down to the mill also, in readiness for the assault by the west slope of Chapultepec rock.

Before the First Division companies had been dismissed for the night, by orders of General Worth two hundred and fifty men and ten officers had been told off as a storming party to serve with the Third Division in attacking Chapultepec. Captain McKenzie, of the Second Artillery, was to be the commander.

Old Sergeant Mulligan figured among the happy ones accepted.

"Hooray! Thirty years I've worn the uniform, an' to-morrow'll be the best day o' my life. Ah, boys! I'd climb that hill by meself wid only a shilaly, rather 'n stay below."

"You have the luck of the mess, sergeant," they admitted. "Now, couldn't you sneak a few of us along with you?"

"Faith, mebbe there'll be work for you the same. Not into the city we are yet. But I'll have a grand view of it from atop the big buildin' high on yon rock."

Except for the two hundred and sixty as storming column, the First Division was to remain below in reserve. That was a disappointment. Jerry heard