Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/312

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  • claimed. "That's where my place is, with

the Fourth."

General Scott had turned to an aide and was speaking rapidly. His great form had swelled, his keen gray eyes shone bright with pride and hope.

"Direct General Clarke to march his brigade at once and unite with the other troops under General Worth. The Worth column is to push on as fast as possible and clear the road to the San Cosme gate. Heavy artillery will be sent to him from the siege batteries." And to another aide: "Direct General Cadwalader to detach his Ninth Infantry, of the Pierce brigade, to the support of General Quitman on the Belen road. The Fifteenth Infantry will occupy Chapultepec. With his own brigade he will be prepared to support General Worth."

The two aides hastened away. Hannibal was as quick.

"Come on," he cried to Jerry. "We'll all be there. You can fall in with the Eighth."

"No, I'm not afraid. I'll go back with the storming column."

They rushed down together into the yard.

The recall for the Second Brigade regiments was being sounded by the drums. The soldiers hustled. Jerry found the Captain McKenzie stormers and joined the ranks. The captain glanced sharply at him and half smiled.

"You're liable to arrest, you young rascal, for deserting your company," he uttered. "Report to your proper command as soon as we get down. What's your regiment?"

"The Fourth Infantry, sir."