Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/56

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had angered him so, before. It was pretty hard to be cuffed, here in front of the Flag; cuffed by the enemies of the Flag.

"That isn't so," he snarled hotly. "They aren't cowards. You'll see. They'll land where they please. And all your army and guns can't keep them off. Then they'll walk right over your walls."

"Shut up!" young Manuel bawled, and cuffed him on the other side of the head. "Of course they are cowards. They've been beaten many times by our brave men. Your General Taylor has been captured. He dressed like a woman and tried to hide. Now your gringos are so afraid that they think to land out of reach of our cannon. If they do land, what will they do? Nothing. The minute they come closer the guns of the castle will blow them to pieces."

"Yes; and soon the yellow fever will kill them. They will find themselves in a death-trap," old Manuel added. "Bah! Our brave General Morales may let them land. He sees how foolish they are. All he needs do is to wait. Where can they go? Nowhere! They will fight mosquitoes. That is it: they are come to fight the mosquitoes!"

Jerry saw that there was no use in arguing; not with two men whose hands were heavy, and who preferred to believe lies. They did not know American soldiers and sailors.

The cannon of the city and castle had not yet spoken, but the walls of San Juan de Ulloa, like those of Vera Cruz, a little nearer, were thronged with people, watching. And that was a busy scene, yonder toward Sacrificios. The two gunboats and the