Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/88

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  • ians ought to have moved their families out. After

we've breached the walls proper and forced terms, we'll have Vera Cruz as a base and we'll march straight to the Halls of Montezuma."

"Who's Fuss and Feathers?"

Hannibal stared.

"You don't know anything about the army, that's sure. Fuss and Feathers is Major-General Winfield Scott, commander-in-chief of the United States army. We call him Fuss and Feathers, for fun. Not when he's around, though. M-m-m! You bet not! He's a stickler for discipline. But he'll take us to the Halls of Montezuma."

"Where are they, Hannibal!"

"My eye, you're green! The Halls of Montezuma are the capitol in the City of Mexico, of course. Guess you've a lot to learn. Want me to show you about? Maybe I can find you a job if you're an American. Looks like you need a suit of clothes—but you aren't much worse than some of those Mohawks are already. Come on; let's walk."

"You see, I'm off duty," Hannibal explained, as he strolled with Jerry in tow. "We had to work half the night, digging trenches. We just got back. Golly, but that was a storm, wasn't it! Filled us up as fast as we could dig out. But no storms are going to stop this army. Say; do you know where you are?"

"In the American army."

"Yes, siree, and in the First Division, too. This is Brigadier-General William J. Worth's division of Regulars: Fourth Infantry, Fifth Infantry, Sixth Infantry, Eighth Infantry, Second and Third Artillery. The Eighth Infantry—that's my regiment—is