Page:Into Mexico with General Scott (1920).djvu/92

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  • feated the Mexican general Santa Anna and twenty-three

thousand of the best troops of Mexico. The commanding general desires to congratulate his army upon this great victory of the successful General Taylor.

"By command of Major-General Scott.
"H. L. Scott,
"Assistant Adjutant-General."

"Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!" cheered the men.

General Worth and staff rode on, leaving excitement in their wake.

"I told you so," Hannibal cried. "Old Zach had mostly Volunteers, too. But that made no difference. And now you've seen Worth. Just like him to publish those orders this way, instead of waiting for parade. And fight? Oh, my! I guess so!"

"I've seen him before," Jerry exclaimed, remembering. "He jumped ashore first when you all landed on the beach."

"He did that. The First Division led and his boat beat and he was first out. But did you see us land? Where were you?"

"Here in these sand hills, cutting brush."

"Wasn't that a landing, though! We set a record. General Scott and Commodore Conner of the navy put twelve thousand men ashore in ten hours, and all we got was wet. Never lost a life. That's discipline for you. Whoo-ee! Listen to those guns talk! The dons are right angry to-day. Guess they've discovered those batteries out in front. Come on, now, if you want to see the fun."

They left the camp; trudged fast until they approached the edge of the dunes, toward the city,