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20 man ; women's duties drive away destruction ; let us clasp our hands and merrily dance". "Let us raise our shoulders and dance saying 'obei- sance to Mother'; let us praise the loving doves; at the behest of a woman of the fine waist we will puil asunder hundreds of hills". “Let our cymbals ring with the note 'obeisance to Mother'; let our flutes play the note 'Bowing to Mother'; at the behest of the loving women of charming eyes we will soar above the winds and offer threat to the heavens.” In another place (Bharathi Sixty-Six) he again puts in a strong plea for the upliftment of women. He asks, “ If we want to subdue our own wives, should we enslave the entire other sex? Should we not regard our Mother who begot us and brought us up as a real Goddess ? O! unkind friends ? " Bharathi's poems are noteworthy because of the spirit of courage which they instil into the people. In his famous poem entitled “No Fear”, he starts saying "No Fear, No Fear, there is absolutely No Fear. Even if the whole world marches against us, no fear, no fear, there is absolutely no fear; Even if the world slanders us treating us lightly, no fear, no fear, there is absolutely no fear. Even if we are reduced to begging alms, no fear, no fear, there is absolute- ly no fear. Even if all our dear friends are lost, no fear, no fear, there is absolutely no fear". “Even when lovely ladies send their ogling glances, no fear, no fear, there is absolutely no fear. Even when loving friends bring poison and feed no fear, no fear, there is absolutely no fear. "Even when bloody spears are hurled against us, no fear, no fear, there is absolutely no fear. Even when the heavens crash and fall on our heads, no fear, no fear, there is absolutely no fear 77