Page:Introductory Hebrew Grammar- Hebrew Syntax (1902).djvu/84

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was not to be found; Gen. 2:25 וְלֹא יִתְבּשָׁשׁוּ they were not (at any time) ashamed; 1 S. 1:13 שְׂפָתֶיהָ נָעוֹת וְקוֹלָהּ לֹא יִשָּׁמֵעַ her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. Ex. 21:36, 1 K. 8:8, 27 (cf. 22:8 in a); 18:10, 2 K. 23:9 (contrast neg. impf. and pos. perf.), Jer. 13:7. Cf. Rem. 1.

Rem. 1. Other exx. Gen. 6:4; 29:2; 31:39, Ex. 8:20, Nu. 11:5,9, Deu. 2:11, 20, Jud. 5:8; 6:4, 5; 17:6, 1 S. 1:7; 13:18; 14:47 (rd. perhaps יִוָּשֵׁעַ); 18:5; 23:13; 25:28, 2 S. 1:22 never returned; 2:28 did not engage in the pursuit; 12:3, 31; 17:17; 20:18; 23:10, 1 K. 5:25, 28; 6:8; 10:5; 17:6; 18:10; 21:6, 2 K. 3:25; 4:8; 13:20, Jer. 36:18, Ps. 106:43, Job 1:5, 1 Chr. 20:3.

Rem. 2. This impf. is used, e.g., 1. in describing a boundary line and naming its successive points, Jos. 16:8, interchanging with vav perf., 15:3 and often. 2. In describing the course of an ornamentation, 1 K. 7:15, 23 ran round, 2 Chr. 4:2. 3. In stating the amount of metal that went to each of a class of articles, 1 K. 10:16, 2 Chr. 9:15; and so of the number of victims offered in a great sacrifice, 1 K. 3:4, cf. 10:5. 4. In describing the quantity which a vessel, &c., contained, 1 K. 7:26. So the details of collecting and disbursing moneys, 2 K. 12:12–17. — In 2 K. 8:29 (9:15) the preceding plur. “wounds” perhaps distributes the verb wounded (perf. 2 Chr. 22:6), just as the rest does Joab’s action, 1 Chr. 11:8, and all the cities David’s, 1 Chr. 20:3, and all the land the effect of the flies, Ex. 8:20, cf. Deu. 11:24. So 2 S. 23:10 of the people returning in parties or successively (v. 9 their dispersion). Jer. 52:7, Ezr. 9:4.

Rem. 3. Allied to § 44a above is the use of impf. to form attributive or adjectival clauses, descriptive of the subj. or obj. of a previous sentence. The restricted sphere of the ptcp. enlarges this usage. Gen. 49:27 בנ׳ זְאֵב יִטְרָף Benj. is a ravening wolf; Is. 40:20 עֵץ לֹא־יִרְקַב a tree that doth not rot; Hos. 4:14 עָם לֹא־יָבִין an undiscerning people; Is. 51:2 שָׂרָח תְּחֽוֹלֶלְכֶם S. your mother (who bears you); v. 12 man that dies (mortal man). 55:13, Ps. 78:6, Job 8:12, cf. Ex. 12:34,