Page:Irish Emigration and The Tenure of Land in Ireland.djvu/12

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In throwing my letters into the form of a pamphlet, I have not had time to introduce into them the improvements I could have wished. Though here and there considerable additions have been made to some of the paragraphs, most of the original sentences remain as they were written. Even the new matter, only expands or explains statements and opinions which were originally conveyed in the concise form adapted to the columns of a newspaper. But though very little has been altered, there is scarcely a passage which has not been carefully reconsidered by the light of the various criticisms, with which my letters to the Times were honoured.

Whenever I have been able to convince myself that a correction was required, I have hastened to introduce it. Even in those cases where the ascertained facts perfectly justified a broad expression, I have frequently modified that expression in order to bring it into more perfect harmony with an opponent's view, and from first to last I have endeavoured to understate rather than to exaggerate the data on which I based my argument.

I have also carefully revised my figures, and submitted them to the scrutiny of several eminent statisticians both in this country and in Ireland.

But though I have scarcely done more than review or verify my previous composition, it is not a mere "réchauffé" I submit to those who may