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Nor dread that the cold-hearted Saxon will tear
One chord from that harp, or one lock from that hair*.[1]

  1. In the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Henry VIII. an Act was made respecting the habits, and dress in general, of the Irish, whereby all persons were restrained from being shorn or shaven above the ears, or from wearing Glibbes, or Coulins, (long locks) on their heads, or hair on their upper lip, called Crommeal. On this occasion a song was written by one of our bards, in which an Irish virgin is made to give the preference to her dear Coulin, (or the youth with the flowing locks) to all strangers, (by which the English were meant) or those who wore their habits. Of this song the air alone has reached us, and is universally admired." Walker's Historical Memoirs of Irish Bards, page 134. Mr. Walker informs us also, that about the same period, there were some harsh measures taken against the Irish Minstrels.