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St. Senanus*[1].

"Oh! haste and leave this sacred isle,
"Unholy bark, ere morning smile;
"For on thy deck, tho' dark it be,
"A female form I see;
"And I have sworn this sainted sod
"Shall ne'er by woman's feet be trod!"

  1. In a metrical life of St. Senanus, which is taken from an old Kilkenny MS. and may be found among the Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae we are told of his flight to the island of Scattery, and his resolution not to admit any woman of the party; he refused to receive even a sister saint, St. Cannera, whom an angel had taken to the island, for the express purpose of introducing her to him. The following was the ungracious answer of Senanus, according to his poetical biographer:

    Cui Praesul, quid faeminis
    Commune est cum monachis?
    Nec te nec ullam aliam
    Admittemus in insulam.

    See the Acta Sant. Hib. Page 610.

    According to Dr. Ledwich, St. Senanus was no less a personage than the River Shannon; but O'Connor, and other Antiquarians, deny this metamorphose indignantly.