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Then a razor he took from the rest,
But his beard being bristly and black,
His tool it would not stand the test,
For the edge turn'd as blunt as the back.
Ri um ti idity a &c.

In a rage then he threw it aside,
And grumbling took up another,
But when to hit cheek 'twas applied,
It prov'd just as bad as its brother.
He stampt and he swore like one mad,
And each razor he tried o'er and o’er,
And mutter’d as how he was had,
And dash’d the whole lot on the floor.
Ri um ti idity a &c.

'This Moses,' cried Ralph, 'is a cheat,
But for this he shall zertainly pay,
As with him no doubt I shall meet,
When to market I‘se carry our hay.'
As he said, so it prov’d in the end,
For no sooner the Jew met his sight,
Than, enraged, he cried, 'harkee my friend,
To throttle thee would be but right.'
Ri um ti idity a &c:

The Jew star’d like one in amaze,
And cried out 'vat ish it you're at.'
'How durst you sell razors like these.'