Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/327

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widows is sanctioned by the Shasters, or who uphold it on fancied grounds of social advantage.

"10. That such marriages are neither contrary to nature nor prohibited by law or custom in any other country or by any other people in the world.

"11. That your petitioners, therefore, humbly pray that your Honourable Council will take into early consideration the propriety of passing a law (as annexed) to remove all legal obstacles to the marriage of Hindoo widows, and to declare the issue of all such marriages to be legitimate.

"And your petitioners, as in duty bound, shall ever pray.

"To declare the lawfulness of the marriage of Hindoo Widows.

"Whereas the marriage of Hindoo widows is by long-established custom and received opinion prohibited, and whereas this prohibition is not only a grievous hardship upon those whom it immediately affects, but also tends generally to depravation of morals, and the injury of society; and whereas it is believed by many Hindoos that this prohibition is not in accordance with a true interpretation of the Shasters; and whereas it is expedient to declare the lawfulness of such marriages, and to make provision for the consequence of the second marriage of a Hindoo widow as regards her rights in her first husband's estate. It is hereby declared and enacted as follows:—

"I. No marriage contracted between Hindoos, shall be deemed invalid, or the issue thereof illegitimate, by reason of the woman having been previously married or bethrothed to another person since deceased, any custom or interpretation of Hindoo Law to the contrary notwithstanding.

"II. All rights and interests which any widow may by law have in her deceased husband's estate, either by way of maintenance or by inheritance shall, upon her second mar-