Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/404

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were required for the efficient working of his office, and thus provided the man with one of the newly created posts. When Vidyasagar heard this, he was greatly amazed at Priya Nath's noble conduct. He expressed himself thus:—'How wonderful is this world! He who was benefited by me, slighted my recommendation; but one, who was quite unknown to me, has been eager to comply with my request.' With this, he at once ran to Bagbazar, and made an acquaintance of the noble Priya Nath.

On another occasion, a situation fell vacant under a European. A man came to Vidysagar for a recommendation. But he was not known to the European, and, therefore, declined. He was then told that a friend of his, whom he had made Editor of a newspaper, was intimately familiar with the European. Vidyasagar called on the Editor, and asked him for a recommendatory letter to his European friend for the man. The Editor plumed himself up and said that he was now Editor of a journal, and that if he should go to recommend others to Europeans for situations, he would be under obligations to them, and in consequence would not be able to review their actions freely. Vidyasagar was startled, and at once left the presence of the mighty Editor. While this conversation was going on, the Head Mate of a European mercantile firm was sitting there, and heard everything. No sooner did Vidyasagar leave the place,