Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/472

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Mr. Dall, an American Missionary. He had been a resident of Boston in the United States of America, and belonged to the Unitarian Church of that city. He was sent out as a missionary to preach Christianity in this country. He established a "Useful Arts School" in the Dhurrumtollah Street of Calcutta. In this school, instructions were given to the natives of this country in Music, Fine Arts, and Athletic Exercises, besides English literature. Dall was a kind-hearted, benevolent man like Vidyasagar. He also founded a free School for the education for poor native children. It was his kindness of heart and benevolence that attracted our noble hero to form an acquaintance of him. Whenever Dall wanted pupils or teachers for his schools, he consulted Vidyasagar on the point. Besides this, he also asked for our hero's advice on all important matters connected with the education of the people of this country. In proof of our statement, we will crave indulgence of the reader to quote here two of Dall's letters.


"Useful Arts School,
"No. 85 Dhurrumtolla.
"Jany. 6, 1864.

"My Good Friend,

"I truly thank you for your prompt attention to my request. The teacher you send looks like the right man.

"I thank you.

(Sd.) "C. H. S. Dall."