Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/560

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"The leaders of the opposite party observing the course taken by the widow marriage party became exasperated against them and waited upon the bonafide Zemindar of the village Baboo Shib Narain Roy who sent his men to apprehend and bring before him the men of the latter party. Those who were apprehended were at first severely beaten before the village community in all the public places of the village. They were next taken to the Zemindar, beaten again and fined and then dismissed on their promising to renounce all connection with the marriage of widows. Some of these men have returned to their homes, some have left them with their families, while others, afraid of the harsh treatment dealt out to their brethren in the cause, have followed the example of the latter and left their homes also.

"Two of the oppressed bolder than the rest repaired to Jehanabad and laid their complaint before the Deputy Magistrate, who for 4 days successively refused to take their petition.

It is notorious that Baboo Shib Narain Roy often calls on the Deputy Magistrate at an advanced hour of the night."


"You may have by this time received the note I sent through Jamadar. After he left, I was writing to the Mooktear of Jehanabad, while Damoo, Sriharee, Nilcomal and Gopal were with me. Sreenibass Doss and his brother of our party rush-