Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/656

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views of the Zemindar, and his esteem for the latter had also lessened a little; but what he heard from Dwarka Nath served to rekindle his former feelings for the wealthy gentleman. He was afterwards heard to say, that he came to learn subsequently that Jay Krishna never usurped the lands of those who could produce evidence in support of their title. Vidyasagar often praised him for his manly exertions by which he rose to such eminence, and for his very liberal charities. The two had a great intimate familiarity. Vidyasagar always kept himself aloof from politics and political meetings, but he now and then entered the rooms of the British Indian Association, only to have an interview with Jay Krishna Babu.

His health being, at this time, completely broken down, Vidyasagar drew up a Will on the 31st May 1875. His son, Narayan Chandra, was excluded from inheritance of his assets, which were settled on other lawful heirs in accordance with the Sastras.

It may not be out of place to mention here, that after his death, a case was instituted in the High Court for decision whether Narayan Chandra, being the only son of his father, could be legally debarred from such inheritance according to Hindu Law. The case was decided in favour of Narayan Chandra, who has since inherited the assets of his father.

The Will was drawn up in Bengali. Its lan-