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Jerman's room. Evening. On the left table, there is a candle, on the workbench there is a torch.

Lojzka is standing by and making tea; Geni is sitting by the workbench, Jerman is sitting on her left.

Geni. A lot of dust has been on the papers we see here insofar...

Jerman. It shall remain. Is there a need for the writings to be extended? There the history of the Slovenian nation has come to a close.

Geni. (Reading.) "into exile. Only dirty animals remained . . . We are the ancestors of our forefathers."

Jerman. The writing hand has shown us some truth and truth only, before the heart was given the opportunity to sense its bitterness. The dirty animals left behind are good servants and are never late for their duties . . . I have barely opened my mouth to insult it, and it has already headed for revenge.

Geni. (Stands up.) When are you taking the path?

Jerman. By the time the Sun rises I'll be gone.

Lojzka. The path to where are you to undertake?

Jerman. It is my will to not delay . . . What else is there to do? Sit by a mirror and watch myself cry, pitying myself? If I am to take on the journey, let me grab the walking stick; then I shall voice a goodbye to you – though I shall not cry it out. Thus the journey will be short and very little of a challenge. I had been growing fearful of it – since this day has come closer I've nearly grown crazy for it.

Lojzka. Tonight you're leaving for Goličava?