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Aug. 1922]
Colorimetry Report 1920-21

Table 7—Continued

1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 3000 3600 5000 5000
×10-15 ×10-13 ×10-12 ×10-11 ×10-10 ×10-9 ×10-8 ×10-8 ×10-7 ×10-7 ×10-6 ×10-5 ×10-5

600 527500 284200 490100 414600 218200 82400 24430 60460 13012 44356 16752 10763 10853
610 718400 362700 596700 487600 249800 92300 26880 65530 13936 46542 17197 10716 10815
620 968400 458800 721500 569900 284300 102850 29450 70770 14868 48702 17618 10660 10767
630 1291500 575300 866000 661800 321800 114100 32120 76120 15808 50804 18010 10590 10702
640 1704100 715300 1032100 764000 362500 126000 34910 81620 16742 52880 18332 10510 10632
650 2226100 882400 1221300 877200 406400 138500 37790 87200 17691 54900 18713 10420 10547
660 2882000 1080200 1437500 1001600 453300 151700 40760 92850 18642 56990 19024 10323 10457
670 3697900 1312900 1681400 1138200 503600 165500 43820 98610 19590 58770 19313 10218 10362
680 4706000 1585900 1955500 1287000 557100 179900 46960 104410 20540 60640 19573 10101 10252
690 5939800 1900800 2261700 1448000 613800 194900 50160 110290 21480 62400 19809 9985 10141
700 7440500 2266700 2601900 1623000 673600 210400 53420 116140 22400 64090 20022 9861 10024
710 9251200 2686000 2979200 1810000 736700 226500 56740 121980 23210 65740 20207 9732 9903
720 11419000 3165000 3395100 2012000 803000 243000 60120 127860 24220 67320 20368 9600 9776
730 14005000 3706800 3851300 2227000 872000 260000 63520 133720 25120 68820 20511 9462 9652
740 17063000 4321700 4348600 2456000 944300 277300 66960 139570 25980 70230 20627 9323 9514
750 20663000 5013000 4891000 2700000 1019500 295100 70420 145350 26840 71600 20725 9179 9377
760 24874000 5785600 5480900 2957000 1097100 313300 73910 151100 27670 72870 20828 9035 9239

All of the values in this table were calculated by means of Wien’s equation with the exception of the last column, headed “5000x10-5” and that was calculated by means of Planck’s equation. The values show the correct relationships for different wave-lengths at a single temperature, and between different temperatures if multiplied by the factors which are placed at the heads of the several columns. See Forsythe, Ref. 19, pp. 330-331.