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my father. My brother died. So I got the realm entire to myself.

18 During the time of Prince Khŭn Ram Khămhæng this His prosperous reign. realm of Sŭkhothăi has prospered. In the water 19 are fish, in the field is rice. The lord of the realm takes them not. He would invest them in his people. Along the highways people 20 lead cattle to trade, ride horses to sell. Whoever wishes to deal Freedom and security. in elephants, deals; whoever 21 wishes to deal in horses, deals; whoever wishes to deal in silver, in gold, deals. Among common folk of the realm, 22 among lords or nobles, if any one soever dies or disappears from house and home, the Prince trusts, 23 supports, aids. They are always getting children and wives, are always growing rice, [these] folk of the realm, subjects of the Thai. Their groves of 24 areca, their groves of betel, the Prince trusts wholly to them to keep for their own Justice. children. If people of the realm, 25 if lords or nobles do wrong, fall out, are at at enmity with each other, he makes inquisition, gets at the 26 truth, and then decides the case for his subjects righteously, 'shares not with stealer, consorts not with 27 hider,'; 'sees another's goods and covets not, sees another's wealth and Generous treatment of visitors. rages not'. 28 Whoever comes riding his elephant to visit the city, comes to the moat and waits beside it for 29 me. Has he no elephants, no horses, no slaves, no damsels, no silver, 30 no gold, I give to him. Has he wealth to found towns and cities 31 to be foes and enemies, to be strongholds for war and fighting, I kill not nor smite him. 32 In the entering in of the gate is a bell hung up there. If folk aggrieved 33 within town or city have controversies or matters that distress them within and 34 cramp their hearts, which they would declare unto their lord and prince,—there is no difficulty. Go ring the 35 bell Appeal to the Prince. which he has hung up there. Khŭn Ram Khămhæng, lord of the realm, can 36 hear the call. When he has made investigation, he sifts the case for them according to right.

Thus it is that in 37 this city of Sŭkhothăi the people The capital city. are everywhere establishing plantations of areca and betel throughout the city. 38 Cocoanut groves and groves of lang are 39 plenty in