Page:Jack Heaton, Wireless Operator (Collins, 1919).djvu/193

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Aboard a Warship

the launch and when I got aboard my ship the doctor dressed it.

No more shore leaves were granted the men because two perfectly good operators had gone ashore and two miserable good-for-nothing operators had returned. Hart hovered between life and death for weeks but he finally pulled through though he never will be as good a man as he was. I came along all right but my hand seemed paralyzed from the wrist down and it was many a moon before I could use a key again with my right hand. I guess you see now why I like those greasers so well.

Our marines remained on duty until the end of the month when General Funston arrived from Galveston with about four thousand troops and took possession of the port. It was hard to see what turn affairs would take next for Huerta had an army of 5,000 men not very far from Vera Cruz. But I guess he had heard of General Funston before and he didn’t care about being captured as Aguinaldo, the Philippine leader, was.

Instead of having some small war the diplomats of the A B C governments of South