Page:Jack Heaton, Wireless Operator (Collins, 1919).djvu/268

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Jack Heaton

furnish the experiences and I to write them out and I wanted to give you whatever was made from the sale of the book and that I would take the glory of having written it for my share of the profits; but you wouldn’t have it any other way but that we would divvy fifty-fifty.”

“That part was all right,” put in Jack, “but what made a hit with me was that you said you knew a publisher who would take the book and forthwith we drew up a provisional table of contents. Then we went over to your publisher; you explained the idea to the editor and gave him the table of contents and we got the contract the next day. And do you know, Mr. Collins, that my leg began to feel better right away!”

“That was some weeks ago, Jack, but I’ve enjoyed your company so much and have been so interested in what you’ve told me I wish we had it all to do over again. Well, Jack, we must to work again.”

“All right, but before we get busy I want to tell you of a séance I once had with King Solomon. Do you believe in spirits—in wireless spirits?”

“Heard of all kinds of wireless and several