Page:Jack Heaton, Wireless Operator (Collins, 1919).djvu/83

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Catching seals by wireless

but what the modus operandi of the scheme was he hadn’t the faintest idea and no more had I. I remember when I was a little boy that folks talked about running street cars by electricity and I wondered how it could be done. I had a kind of a vague notion that a chunk of electricity came along, struck the car and pushed it ahead just as a breeze fills the sails of a ship and carries her for’ard.

In after years I learned that the current of electricity flowed along a wire parallel with the tracks and that it passed from this feeder to the trolley of a car, thence down a conductor to a motor which it energized and finally back to the power house through the rails; further that it was the power of the motor thus developed which drove the wheels of the car; and I was disappointed, for it seemed to me to be altogether too round-about a way—too far-fetched—to justify the statement that the “car runs by electricity.”

The same thing holds good when you see signs which read, “hats cleaned by electricity,” “eqgs hatched by electricity” and “diamonds made by electricity,” for the hat is merely rotated by an electric motor, the eggs are hatched