This page has been proofread, but needs to be validated.
Page 127, line 7, for M. O’Madden read Mr O’Madden
Page 132, line 15, for Thee read There
Page 134, line 24, for too kout read took out
Page 136, line 22, for senned read seemed
Page 138, line 24, for That's all night read That's all right
Page 139, line 17, for and in tenpence read and tenpence in
Page 148, line 30, for daguerrotype read daguerreotype
Page 151, line 17, for long’ read long
Page 155, line 16, for presenee read presence
Page 160, line 1, delete comma after had
Page 167, line 30, change comma to fullstop after cities
Page 168, line 20, for au read an
Page 178, line 9, for en read an
Page 183, line 9, for guitless read guiltless
Page 185, line 17, insert dash at beginning of line
Page 197, line 32, for Gentle will read Gentle Will
Page 204, line 30, change comma to fullstop after doorstep
Page 210, line 7, for onlegged read onelegged
Page 210, line 17, for come read came
Page 211, line 15, for stropped read stopped
Page 222, line 15, for didit read did it
Page 252, line 11, change fullstop to comma after pundit
Page 258, line 1, for yery read very
Page 261, last line, insert fullstop after moon
Page 270, line 8, for corpuscule read corpuscle
Page 270, line 14, for Böylan read Boylan
Page 274, last line, insert fullstop after music
Page 280, line 8, for taking read talking
Page 301, line 6, for bobby L read bobby
Page 304, line 8, for house house read house
Page 308, line 9, for al read all
Page 315, line 15, for called if read called it
Page 325, line 23, for beed read been
Page 326, line 15, change fullstop to comma after courthouse
Page 327, line 11, for be bawls read he bawls
Page 328, line 6, for on behalf on read on behalf of