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years senior to himself. She died in 1835, when he was approaching his end. About that time, a friend sent a rich present of fruit from the Levant for her to his care, and he replied to the donor — 'Alas! our beloved friend has, for the last three months, been eating of the fruit in Paradise.' There stands in the Chancel of his own church, Holy Trinity in Cambridge, a tablet which was placed there in her memory by him, and of which the inscription may be reproduced, as it must have been written by himself.

'Sacred to the beloved memory of Esther, Relict of Josiah Dornford Esq., of Deptford Road, Kent. For more than twenty years a devout and humble worshipper within these walls. Living in the full enjoyment of Faith and Hope, and exhibiting a bright pattern of every Christian grace. She meekly bowed beneath the chastening hand of a merciful Father and peacefully resigned her spirit Jan. 13th, 1835. In the 82nd year of her age.'

The son Thomas Thomason, in due course, enters Magdalene College, Cambridge, and after taking his degree, obtains a Fellowship. Next he becomes a Tutor at Queen's College, and is admitted to Holy Orders. He forms with Charles Simeon, then much occupied in parochial affairs, a friendship which becomes strengthened with the holiest bonds. He accepts under Simeon a curacy extending not only to Holy Trinity parish, but to other parishes which came under Simeon's cure. He has to resign his position in Queen's College on his marriage in 1799 with Miss Fawcett of Scaleby Castle, the daughter of