Page:Japanese Physical Training (Hancock).djvu/140

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Japanese Physical Training

jiu-jitsu are easily discovered by him who wishes to know them, and who has ascertained by practice upon himself the locations of the most sensitive nerves and muscles.

First of all the tricks taught is the hand-grip that is used in throwing an opponent. The hand is seized in such a manner that the fingers rest over the adversary's palm, at the same time enclosing his thumb and forcing it as near as is possible to the assailant's little finger. At the same time the man who attempts to make the throw presses his own thumb severely over a muscle that may be found just below the base of his opponent's third finger. The location of this muscle may be obtained by experiment.

As soon as the hand is so seized the man who has secured the grip gives his enemy's wrist a violent wrench outward and over, and endeavours to throw him. If there is any doubt as to the ability to make the throw, the right foot of the thrower should be placed behind the left foot of the one to be thrown. A quick shove with the disengaged open hand under the chin will increase the chances of success in throwing. This grasp is taken generally