Page:Japanese Physical Training (Hancock).djvu/187

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Self-Taught Things

of the left ear, while the four fingers press as severely against the corresponding muscles under the right ear. The right hand of the attacking one takes violent hold of the hair over the forehead of the victim. A strong jerk backward with the right hand, aided by the pressure of the left hand against the throat, is reasonably sure to reduce the victim to submission. If necessary the trip accomplished by the back-of-leg-to-back-of-leg trick may be employed. There is but one counter that can be utilised, and even this is not easy of accomplishment. The victim may try the pinch in the middle of the upper arm.

To be sure, the man who is being attacked may attempt the knee-jab in his adversary's abdomen, but this the assailant can prevent by raising his right foot to about the level of the left knee and with his right foot a little forward of his left leg. In this position the man attacking has a parry ready in advance that will break the force of the knee-jab and prevent its successful execution. In the meantime the man on the defence is rapidly weakening under the pain of the hair-pulling. No matter