Page:Japanese Physical Training (Hancock).djvu/214

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Japanese Physical Training

exercises are performed. When exercises are called for that involve coat-holds a tough padded jacket is added to the costume.

American men who do not care to exercise in the breech-clout alone will find that a very good substitute costume may be had by donning underclothing and socks and pulling on a breech-clout to keep the underclothing in place. Shoes should never be worn. For the tricks that involve coat-holds any old, discarded jacket may be donned.

Where two women engage in practice the best costume will be a combination bathing suit of waist and trunks. If desired, however, the regulation gymnasium suit of blouse, bloomers that come to the knee, and stockings may be used— but without shoes of any kind.

In Japan the women are trained in jiu-jitsu, and they often compete with the men. It would be well if this were done in this country—always provided that man and woman possess about equal height, weight, and muscular strength. In the case of such contests the costume would have to be adapted to the requirements of conventionality. Contests under