Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/101

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the genus is allied to Campylotes of Westwood, described in Professor Royle's work on the Natural History of the Himalaya mountains.[1] It is allied also to Gymnautocera of Guerin, and to Heleona and Anthomyza of the same author. It is doubtful if the insects composing this family are more allied to the Zygenidæ than the Lithosiadæ: they appear to have been greatly neglected, and it is the more remarkable, as they are certainly some of the most beautiful of the Lepidoptera."


PLATE III. Fig. 2.

Hope, Linnean Trans., vol. xviii. pl. 31, fig. 5.

The antennæ of this genus (the name of which is derived from ερασμιος, amabilis) are bipectinated, the pectinations of moderate length; anterior wings

  1. For the purpose of comparison, Mr. Westwood's definition of the genus Campylotes is subjoined.—"Genus anomalum: Alæ oblongæ, subovales, integræ, nervis apicalibus valde recurvis, anticæ cellula discoidali clausa nervos duos postice emittens, quorum exterior 3-furcatis; posticæ etiam cellula discoidali clausa, nervo recurrente intermedio bifurcato. Antennæ graciles biramosæ."