Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/172

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wings clothed with scales; this is surrounded by a narrow fulvous iris, then black, then a broader oval of dirty clay-colour, then a narrow oval of pale flesh-colour, then a broad rich claret oval ring; between this and the base of the wing is first a bar of flesh-colour, then black shaded into claret; towards the extremity of the wing the claret is succeeded by a half-ring of flesh-colour, then a narrow one of black, then of pale buff stone-colour, and another moderately broad of grey speckled with black. The thorax is dark and rich brown colour, with two white bands across the neck and two across the extremity of the thorax whitish; the abdomen is buff, with black dots. The margin of the wings is scolloped, and their external angle is considerably produced beyond the hind angle of the fore wings. The under surface of the wings of this magnificent moth is by no means equal to the upper side in the beauty of the markings, all the wings being of a very pale buffish white with dark speckles; the fore wings are marked nearly as on the upper side, but the hind wings have only a very small eye in the centre, having a black pupil with a fulvous orbit surrounded by a slender black circle; immediately connected with the posterior part of this eye is a curved row of brown arches, between which and the apex of the wings is another and more slightly marked series of black scollops.

The palpi are distinct, forming a small brown muzzle, but they are not visible from above; they,