Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/242

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white spots in its centre, the anterior ones, which are largest, having a tendency to run together. The under wings are of the same colours as the upper, the hinder margin with a broad black border, in which is placed at regular intervals a row of eight oval white spots. Antennæ black and setaceous; palpi yellow; abdomen likewise yellow on the under side, the breast and legs marked with white.

This insect is accounted very rare, and is therefore highly prized by collectors. It is said by Drury, on the authority of Mr. Smeathman, to be a native of Sierra Leone; Linnæus simply says "ab Indiis;" and Fabricius mentions India, which is in all likelihood a mistake, if he meant to indicate any thing else by the use of that word than that the species was exotic. Mr. Smeathman states that it is found in the Savannahs, and so inactive in its motions that it is easily taken.



Phalæna (Noctua) Phileta, Drury, Exot. Ent., iii. pl. 22, fig. 5.

Expands two inches and a half. Antennæ black: head and thorax deep red, the latter with several black spots and streaks. Upper wings entirely black, crossed by a white band a little beyond the