Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/253

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ornamented with circular marks and waved transverse lines of a lighter colour.

That which we have figured affords a very characteristic example of the group: it is a native of the East Indies. The anterior wings are dark brown at the base, but lighter towards the tip; near the middle there is a pale bar, which runs obliquely to the middle, when it suddenly bends and runs to the anterior margin; just within it there is a large eye-like mark; not far from the margin there are several dark and light-coloured spots. The under wings are buff colour at the base, the rest rich brown, and crossed by two undulating lines of deeper brown, accompanied with a streak of buff. On the under side all the wings are pale clay colour, inclining to buff, and there is a transverse irregular series of light-coloured marks, a large one towards the tip of the upper wings, and another on the disk. The edges of all the wings are deeply scolloped. The body is of the same colour as the wings, and without markings.

The example of this insect figured by Drury, which he states to have come from China, is a variety.