Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/282

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We refer this insect to the family of Pyralidæ, on account of its general structure, although the arrangement of the veins of the wings differs from that of any of that family, having somewhat of a similar shape, with which we have compared it.

The body is slender; the head small; the antennæ long, slender, and filiform; the palpi nearly three times as long as the head, compressed, slender, attenuated to the tip, bent downwards; the spiral tongue long; the fore wings large and somewhat triangular, with the apex acute and slightly falcate. The mesial vein of the fore wings emits three branches, the third of which is connected by a slender vein with the inner branch of the postcostal vein, a simple longitudinal vein extending from the base of the wing to the extremity through the middle of this cross vein; the first and second branches of the postcostal vein are not extended to the costal margin of the wing, but form small oblong cells; the hind wings are large, with the outer margin slightly emarginate; the abdomen is slender, but rather thicker towards the extremity;