Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/30

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I. Insects without wings. Aptera.
A. With segments bearing seven or more pair of legs.
a. Head separated from the thorax.
a. a. Four antennæ. Last segments of the body without legs Legion 1. Tetracera.
b. b. Two antennæ. All the segments except the last with legs 2. Myriapoda.
b. Head connected with the thorax. No antennæ 3. Acera.
B. With three segments bearing legs 4. Apterodicera.
II. Insects with wings 5. Pterodicera.
A. With elytra and wings. Elytroptera.
a. With mandibles. Odontata.
a. a. Wings folded transversely Order 1. Coleoptera.
b. b. Wings folded longitudinally 2. Orthoptera.
b. With haustellate mouth. Siphonostoma 3. Hemiptera.
B. Without elytra, but having wings. Gymnoptera.
a. With mandibles. Odontata.
a. a. Nervures reticulated 4. Neuroptera.
b. b. Nervures ramose 5. Hymenoptera.
b. With haustellate mouth. Siphonostoma.
a. a. Four wings covered with scales 6. Lepidoptera.
b. b. Two wings and two halteres 7. Diptera.
c. c. No wings or halteres 8. Suctoria.

Many parts of this arrangement must be allowed to possess the highest merit, but there are others to which this praise cannot be awarded, and of this the author himself seems to have been conscious, as he afterwards introduced material changes. "We may oppose to this arrangement," says Burmeister,[1] "which, as it does not regard the entire

  1. Shuckard's Trans. of his Manual of Ent., p. 610.