Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/44

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its sides is a highly magnified figure of Necrobia ruficollis, surrounded by these words: Necrobia ruficollis Latreillei salus anno mdccxciii.; and on the other P. Mertieux 1833; the name of the sculptor whom M. Valade Gabel, M. Latreille's nephew, employed to make the model which the Entomological Society caused to be cast in bronze. [1]

A number of papers connected with the history of Latreille's life, &c. were enclosed in a double box of lead, and deposited in the foundation of the monument.

The inhabitants of Brives likewise intended to have a monumental structure, surmounted by a bust, erected there in honour of their distinguished townsman.

On the occasion of the bust of M. Latreille being presented to the Entomological Society by his nephew, M. Walckenaer, the president, delivered the following inaugural address, which, although some of the information it supplies has necessarily to a certain extent been anticipated, we have thought it advisable to give entire, both for its own sake, and as an example of a kind of oratory seldom practised in this country.


"The only consolation we can obtain for the loss of a friend who was dear to us, is the opportunity of conversing about him with those

  1. An engraved representation of the monument will be found at the end of this Memoir.