Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/195

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Pap. Etheocles, Fabr.—Cramer, Pl. 119, fig. D, E.—Nymph. Etheocles, Godart.

This and the following species present an outline very similar to that of C. Jasius, and they might even, without much impropriety, be referred to the same genus; but, as there are several points of difference, and as we are yet unacquainted with the caterpillars, it may be preferable in the mean time to allow them to remain in the situation they occupied in Latreille's arrangement.

N. Etheocles is a native of Africa, and is found chiefly on the coast of Guinea. It is nearly of the size of C. Jasius; the surface greenish-black, with a broad white band running obliquely across the middle of the wings; on the primary wings this band is divided into spots and contracted anteriorly, having a group of three or four small white spots on the inner side near its origin. Besides the white band, which is regular and continuous, the under wings have a row of white crescents parallel with the hinder border, succeeded by a black line, the border itself of a lighter green than the general