Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/213

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PLATE XX. Figs. 1 and 2.

Pap. Astarte, Cramer, Pl. 256, fig. C, D.—Nymph. Condomanus, Godart.—Catagramma Condomanus, Boisd.

This genus includes a pretty group of Nymphalidæ, which are mostly of small size, and marked with annular lines of bright colours on the under side of the inferior wings. They are pretty closely allied to Hipparchia, but are natives of the new world. The wings are ample, and all of them rounded on the posterior edges. In the species referred to, the colour of the surface is black, glossed with violet, the upper wings with two wide transverse red bands, one near the base, the other beyond the middle; on the under wings the interior band is continued nearly to the hinder margin. The under side of the superior wings resembles the surface, but the costa is yellow at the base, and a narrow blue line runs along the outer margin. The under wings are black beneath, having a large oval yellow ring on the disk, enclosing three pale blue points and a short yellow streak: behind this ring there is a curved row of blue dots, succeeded by a yellow line running parallel with the hinder border, and not far from it: at the base of