Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/243

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brown as far as the middle of the wings, where there is a narrow yellow line running across the whole surface in the posterior, but abbreviated in the anterior, and placed rather beyond the middle, the space beyond this band covered with a kind of greyish dust. Body brown, the thorax clothed with hairs of the same colour as the base of the wings, antennæ blackish, annulated with white on the under side.

This is an African insect, and seems to be confined to the coast of Guinea. Pap. Corax of Cramer (Pl. 379, fig. D, E) seems to be a variety of the female. The individual figured by Boisduval (Spec. Gen. Pl. 22) appears to differ considerably from Cramer's figures, as well as Fabricius' and Godart's description: it is represented as having a distinct ocellus at the base of the tail.