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them further than that of juxta-position, will fall under our notice afterwards.

Explanation of Plate 1st.—Fig. 1. Head of Mylabris, upper side:—a, forehead; b, vertex; c, occiput; d, d, temples; e, e, eyes; f, torulus, cavity for the insertion of the antennæ; g, clypeus, (of Fabr.) nose, (of Kirby,) Epistome of Latreille; h, labrum.

Fig. 2. Under side of same head:—k, posterior orifice; l, the neck; m, the mentum; o, the eyes; p. mandibles; s, labial palpi.

Figs. 3, 4, 5. Forms of the Labrum:—Fig. 6. Mandible of Hydrous piceus; Fig. 7. Do. of Goerius; Fig. 8. Do. of Calosama sycophanta.

Fig. 9. Maxilla of Necrophorus germanicus:—a, maxillary palpus; b, external lobe of the maxilla; c, internal lobe.

Fig. 10. Maxilla of Cicindela:a, external maxillary palpus; b, internal do. or exterior lobe of the maxilla; c, interior lobe, with an articulated hook at the apex, d.

Fig. 11. Maxilla of Hydrous piceus:a, insertion or hinge; b, dorsal piece; c, squame palpifere of Strauss; b, c, d, taken together form the stalk, (stipes;) e, external lobe; f, internal do.

Fig. 12. Labium of Cychrus rostratus:a, mentum; b, ligula; c, c, labial palpi.

Fig. 13. Labium of Carabus, inside:—a, mentum; b, lingua; c. paraglossae.

Fig. 14. Thorax of Scolia flavifrons, upper side, the red colour indicating the prothorax, blue the mesothorax, and yellow the metathorax; coxæ, green:—A, the pronotum; C, the mesonotum; d, d, patagia; c, scutellum; F, the metanotum; H, H, the parapleura.

Fig. 15. Side view of the same:—E, mesosternum; B, prosternum; G, metasternum; d, patagium; c, scutellum; a, first spiracle; β, second do. Fig. 16. The same from beneath:—B, B, prosternum; E, E, mesosternum; G, G, metasternum.

Fig. 17. Thorax of Cicada Fraxini:—A, pronotum; C, mesonotum; c, scutellum; d, d, frenum; F, F, metanotum.

Fig. 18. Hinder leg of Melolontha vulgaris:a, b, coxa; d, trochanter; e, thigh; f, tibia; h, tarsus; i, claws.

Fig. 19. Pectinated claws. Fig. 20. Claws of an Asilus:o, central filaments; s, s, membranous expansion of the terminal joint advanced beneath the claws.