Page:Jefferson's Germantown letters.djvu/19

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returned with the horses from Fredericksburg, which was reached on the 27th. The next day's journey was a stage ride to Alexandria, and the second day of stage riding brought them to Baltimore. Here Jefferson joined the President, who had left Mount Vernon on the 28th, and here they found the stages had not resumed running to Philadelphia, and that it was conse- quently necessary to hire a private conveyance. The united party came by way of Elkton and Wilmington, spending two nights on the road, and reaching Germantown about noon on November ist. Jefferson paid Hartman Elliot for six days' service, three each going and com- ing from Baltimore to Germantown, thirty dol- lars. In addition there were ferriage charges, which amounted to $3.18. The total expense from Fredericksburg to Germantown was I77.65, of which Jefferson bitterly complained when writing to his family and his Virginia friends, and warned them of the " harpies" who were preying on unfortunate travellers. Arriving in Germantown, the President