Page:Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth, or, The constant lovers (1).pdf/6

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Lords of renown I their favour have slighted,
O now I must languish for a sailor bold!
I cannot blame him because he is constant,
True love is better than silver or gold.

A costly jewel she instantly gave him,
Then in her trembling hand took a knife;
One fatal stroke before they could save her,
Quickly did put an end to her life.
Great lament was made for this lady,
Jemmy on board the ship he did steer,
Unto old England he homeward came sailing,
With a long desire to meet with his dear.

But when her father heard he was returning,
He wrote a letter to the boatswain his friend,
Saying, a handsome reward I will give you,
If you the life of young Jemmy will end.
Void of all mercy, and for sake of the money.
The cruel boatswain the same did complete;
As they upon the deck were one day walking,
He suddenly tumbled him into the deep.


In dead of the night, when all were asleep,
His troubled ghost to his love did appear,
Crying, arise, my beautiful Nancy,
Perform the vow that you made to your dear.
You are, my own, therefore tarry no longer ;
Seven long years for your sake I did stay!
Hymen doth wait for to crown us with pleasure,
The bride-guests are ready, then come away.

She cried who’s there, under my window?
Surely it is the voice of my dear!
Lifting her head from her soft downy pillow,

traight to the casement she did repair.