Page:Jerry Thomas - The bar-tender's guide (1862).djvu/19

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8. Scotch Whiskey Punch.

Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be impertinent to give proportions. (See "Spread Eagle Punch," No. 39.)

9. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.)

1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch).

2 do. boiling water.

Sugar to taste.

Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.

10. Gin Punch
(Use large bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful of raspberry syrup.

2 do. do. white sugar,

1 wine-glass of water.

1½ do. gin.

½ small-sized lemon.

2 slices of orange.

1 piece of pine-apple.

Fill the tumbler with shaved ice.

Shake well, and ornament the top with berries in season. Sip through a glass tube or straw.