Page:Jerry Thomas - The bar-tender's guide (1887).djvu/118

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expose it to the cold for half an hour; when served stir in the carbonate of soda, and the rind of the cucumber.

Bottled Velvet.

Sir John Bayley’s Recipe.

  • Take 1 bottle of Moselle.
  • Take 1 pint of Sherry.
  • Take 2 table-spoonfuls of sugar.
  • Take 1 lemon.
  • Take 1 sprig of verbena.

Peel the lemon very thin, using only sufficient of the peel to produce the desired flavor; add the other ingredients; strain and ice.

English Curaçoa.

  • Take 6 ounces of very thin orange peel.
  • Take 1 pint of whiskey.
  • Take 1 pint of clarified syrup.
  • Take 1 drachm powdered alum.
  • Take 1 drachm carbonate of potash.

Place the orange peel in a bottle, which will contain a quart, with the whiskey; cork tightly and let the contents remain for ten or twelve days, shaking the bottle frequently. Then strain out the peel, add the syrup; shake well, and let it stand for three days. Take out a tea-cupful into a mortar, and beat up with the alum and potash; when well mixed, pour it back into the bottle, and let it remain for a week. The Curaçoa will then be perfectly clear and equal in favor to the best imported article.