Page:Jerry Thomas - The bar-tender's guide (1887).djvu/125

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of the fruit steeped in it, the infusion is drawn off and sugar added; then filtered and bottled.

Aromatic Tincture.

  • Take 1 ounce of ginger.
  • Take 1 ounce of cinnamon.
  • Take 1 ounce of orange peel.
  • Take ½ ounce of valerian.
  • Take 2 quarts of alcohol.

Macerate the ingredients in the alcohol in a close vessel for fourteen days, then filter through filtering paper. This is sometimes employed to give a flavor to milk punch, but it must be used with precaution. Ten drops are sufficient for a pint of punch.

Prepared Punch and Punch Essences.

A glass of punch, with all the et ceteras, is an excellent thing; the main difficulty about it is that, outside of a well-appointed bar-room, the necessary ingredients are not usually found ready to hand at the moment when they are indispensable; and, even under the most favorable circumstances, it is not every one that knows the precise proportions and happy blending of flavors that constitute a perfect glass of punch.

The enlightenment of the present day is full of short-cuts to comfort, and all the impediments in the