Page:Jerry Thomas - The bar-tender's guide (1887).djvu/130

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  • Take 5 ounces of bitter almonds.
  • Take 1¼ ounce of powdered cinnamon.
  • Take ⅛ ounce of powdered cloves.

Bruise and infuse the almonds in sufficient boiling water; skim and add the cinnamon, cloves, and syrup; rub them fine, and boil them for five minutes in the seven gallons of water; strain, and, when cool, add the whiskey and raspberry syrup.

Duke of Norfolk Punch for Bottling.

  • Take 20 quarts of French brandy.
  • Take 30 lemons.
  • Take 30 oranges.
  • Take 30 quarts of cold boiled water.
  • Take 15 pounds of double refined sugar.
  • Take 2 quarts of new milk.

Pare off the peel of the oranges and lemons very thin, excluding all of the white rind. Infuse in the brandy for twelve hours. Dissolve the sugar in the water; add the juice of the oranges and of twenty-four of the lemons; pour this upon the brandy and peels, mixing thoroughly. Strain through a very fine hair-sieve into a barrel that has held spirits, and add the milk. Stir and bung close. After it has stood six weeks in a warm cellar, bottle, in perfectly clean and dry bottles, well corked. This will keep for years and improve with age.

Essence of Rum Punch for Bottling.

  • Take 1½ gallons of high-flavored Jamaica rum.
  • Take 3 gallons of spirits (70 per cent.).