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open my heart, I will not give it", I said to His Honor as well.

"Animals will be brought by the sea," I was told.

"It will not be. And those from the mountains would frighten me," I said.

"There is no field here," I was told.

"I would not want that they be provided with no field", I said to His Honor.

"Toward the north, there is a very far place where they will be made to live", I was told.

"That would be a faraway place," I said to his Honor. "It is wanted that they will be made to live four leagues away", I said to His Honor. "Then, regarding the fields, may the fields be made there, where the dead turkeys/forest is," I said to His Honor. Whatever I gained, I lacked, I said. But my honored superior, and by that His Honor did not consider it, but rather I said it would be lent to His Honor. By the fish not doing so there, and fearing you as well, I said it. By all this being so, now, may I be forgiven, my honored Lord. Yes, indeed all the subjects ___ me a field, and I live there.

Forgive me, by the love of God, and may I be heard. Now as for the chiefs that have ten subjects, and have twelve: these chiefs are four, and with me, we are five. This village of Asile, then, does not have many people. The people who labor are without anything to clothe them nor mercy. Thus, the laborers labor for you. They struggle in torment, emptied in exhaustion. They do not want to be in torment without anything. And I do not want the people to be exhausted without anything as well.